In 2013 the Government brought in new changes to the curriculum and removed the old National Curriculum levelling system. Suddenly, we were dealing with the challenge of ‘life after levels’. This had a direct impact on assessment, teacher workload and schools costs.
So, a group of teachers got together in our staff room and after many cups of tea, the vision for Mirodo developed. We wanted to create a unique, time-saving, fun assessment system – which we did.
There are many online systems out there but we know we have something unique. Our speciality is assessments. Formative and Summative.
We assess how well your pupils understand a topic, what progress they are making year-on-year and track pupil data to your expectations.
We’re here for teachers. And that’s what makes Mirodo different.
Our independent, standardised formative & summative assessments:
give access to a question bank of practice questions on all topics for Maths and English
allow teachers/schools to establish a baseline and track progress easily
show how pupils and cohorts compare against the national standard
provide in-depth information about each and every pupil so that teaching can be adapted accordingly
help to identify any barriers to learning and understand what is motivating a pupil to achieve
and fulfil the reporting requirements to Ofsted and parents through a range of progress reports.
We genuinely want to make a positive difference and we are always open to new ideas and feedback. If you have any suggestions or you’d like to find out more, please feel free to email directly at